
Experts as a Service

Working with Tech Writers Bureau is easy. Simply contact us via e-mail or phone and describe the nature of your project. We’ll gather the best experts in that field to complete your important work within your deadlines and budget. You also get a single point of billing from The Bureau no matter how many of our professional team end up working with you to complete the job.

Service Description

We understand that every project is different. We are happy to work with you to ensure that your project is successfully completed well within your deadlines and budget. From penning interesting white papers, to helping generate blog content, to putting together a complete e-book for your company or team, we stand ready to work with your organization to provide for any of your content needs:

services2General Content Services

Regardless the complexity of the project or the subject matter, we provide a competitive rate for all writing assignments. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Whitepapers
  • Industry-related emails or PowerPoint decks
  • Editing or federalizing marketing materials
  • Creating an E-book or tech guide book
  • Bylining an article for publication
  • Producing the content for a new or revamped website or microsite
  • Ghost writing articles for publications to help solidify your reputation as industry or technology thought leaders

Social media

Whether it’s daily, weekly or monthly, the Bureau can manage your social media:

  • Blogging or ghost blogging, tweeting or ghost tweeting
  • Hosting webcasts or online seminars
  • Facebook page content, strategy, and organization


Collectively Bureau members have over 85 years of experience speaking at or representing organizations at multiple events. Let us cover, highlight or represent your organization for you. At any event, we can provide:

  • Keynote or panel speaking
  • Coverage of a trade show or event for publication or internal use
  • Moderating for individual panels or entire events

Custom Projects Welcome

services3Do you have a unique or specific need that you don’t see in the sample list? Do you have something that needs finished yesterday? Whether it’s content development for a website, marketing or PR plan development, or simply crafting the perfect email, we can help. Simply contact us, let us know what you need, and we’ll make your project successful.