The Move to Smarter Chip Payment Cards Has Begun

October 1 was the deadline for a shift in payment card fraud liability that marks a major effort to boost U.S. adoption of smarter credit and debit cards. October 1 was the deadline for a shift in liability for merchants who accept credit and debit cards, which means just about all merchants today. It passed … Continue reading The Move to Smarter Chip Payment Cards Has Begun

Can Cyber Insurance Help You Become More Secure?

A report from PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts rapid growth in the cyber insurance market in the next five years and identifies some weaknesses in the industry. Its recommendations could help improve global cybersecurity. Cybersecurity insurance has gotten quite a bit of attention in the past couple of weeks. A report by PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts significant growth in the … Continue reading Can Cyber Insurance Help You Become More Secure?

“How To” Guide for ID and Access Management in the Electric Industry

A NIST panel, working with the electric industry, has developed a guide for centralizing ID and access management to better protect the evolving Smart Grid from online and internal threats. As the electric power industry upgrades its legacy systems to an interactive Smart Grid that enables remote monitoring and a two-way flow of information, vulnerabilities … Continue reading “How To” Guide for ID and Access Management in the Electric Industry