Federal cybersecurity has been in the GAO’s list of high-risk programs for 20 years, and there is no sign of its getting off any time soon. The biggest hurdle? It’s probably the workforce.
NextGov Tech: Why Relying on Cell Phones is Bad in Emergencies
The recent women’s march on DC showed the limitations of smartphone technology. During a crisis or an emergency, or in this case a massive protest march, cellular service can become overloaded. Here is what we need to do about that.
A new way to take the measure of our universe
NIST scientists are helping to redefine the standard units of measure that we use to make sense of our universe. The changes are expected to be adopted in November 2018 by the General Conference on Weights and Measures and would go into effect in 2019 on May 20 – World Metrology Day, the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of the Meter.
Tenable Blog
The growing complexity of IT enterprises and the cyberthreats facing them have eroded governments’ confidence in their ability to assess and mitigate cybersecurity risk, according to the latest Global Cybersecurity Assurance Report Card. The ability to see infrastructure and monitor activity is key to boosting confidence.
Pass that Duby
An anonymous social media app, Duby, is building an online community for tokers who want to share what they are thinking and doing. The technology behind it is innovative and could be valuable to advertisers.
Watch Dogs 2 Shows Possible Futuristic Hacking
Videogames have only recently begun to mirror real life, make statements and work to change the world in the way that great literature and movies sometimes do. Watch Dogs 2 hits the social commentary head-on, but the hacking tech is all fun and games, well, mostly.
NextGov Tech Column: Concerns over a Millennial Government Takeover
One might expect that having Millennials take over the reins of government would not cause any cybersecurity or IT-related problems. But you would be wrong, according to a new survey from Forcepoint. Find out what hidden minefields await government as the younger generation takes over.
Here we go again: Looking ahead to 2017
2016 was enough to make anyone doubt his ability to make accurate predictions. But I’m confident that 2017 will be worse.
Pick Your Weapon: Network World Reviews New Threat Hunting Tools
What if you assumed that APTs were already hiding in your network and launched software specifically designed to hunt them down? Network World reviewed the latest tools in the cybersecurity arsenal: threat hunting platforms. Load up some extra ammo, because we are going hunting for our latest roundup, and there’s lots of game to be had.
Ready for 2017? NextGov’s Predictions for Government and Tech
NextGov asked TWB CEO John Breeden to predict a few of the largest trends that we can expect in the New Year. He got two out of three right last time, so perhaps these will be proven correct as well. Find out what will be coming down the pipe in government and technology in 2017, only at NextGov.