Gets its First Tune-up

Now two years old, the Cybersecurity Framework will get a few tweaks from NIST, but the community is generally happy with guidelines for securing the nation’s critical infrastructure. Information sharing remains a problem area, however.

Network World Review: Hot new tools to fight insider threats

An entire industry has sprung up to provide a defense against insider threats. TWB CEO John Breeden reviewed products from Fortscale, Avanan, and PFU Systems for Network World, and found each one concentrating on a different aspect of the problem. Dim the lights, pop the corn, and get ready to delve into the dark and spooky world of the insider threat.


Shannon Felder, senior account executive with LEWIS Global Communications, recently interviewed Tech Writers Bureau’s Rutrell Yasin for her blog, covering issues such as technology and the government sector, cybersecurity, and how public relations professionals can be more effective working with folks in the media. Here’s an excerpt: You’ve been covering technology for more than 30 … Continue reading GETTING TO KNOW YOUR OTHER AUDIENCE: PART 2