NIST has published recommendations for using crypto algorithms such as AES for format-preserving encryption (FPE), which can be a big help in protecting personal financial and health data.
Rise of the Thinking Machines: AI Beats Humans At Their Own Game
In John Breeden’s latest NextGov column, he examines the impressive win that pitted an artificial intelligence program called AlphaGo against the top player of the ancient Chineese game of Go. And AlphaGo swept the series, beating Lee Se-dol three to zero in a best of five series. Here come the thinking machines!
How To Raise Your Salary In Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity salaries continue to rise as organizations grapple with an increasing shortage of cyber talent. Given the current climate, job-hopping might seem like a way to earn more money in the short term. However, developing the necessary skills that are in demand and showing how security adds value to your organization is a surer way … Continue reading How To Raise Your Salary In Cybersecurity
A Day In The Life Of A Security Analyst
Some days start out quiet—too quiet—for a cybersecurity analyst. Others, not so much. “We never know what is going to happen. A day can start out calm or start out on fire and very quickly go from one or another,” says Jim Treinen, a security analyst for ProtectWise, who spends his days defending both his … Continue reading A Day In The Life Of A Security Analyst
New Protection Profile brings security to valuable desktop real estate
A new Common Criteria protection profile for peripheral sharing switches boosts the security of desktop components where classified and unclassified networks converge.
Transitioning CoCo: How to manage IT in partnership with private industry
Federal IT executives are increasingly expected to improve efficiency by leveraging new technologies, but legacy technology and processes often eat up the bulk of available resources. To that end, federal agencies are beginning to shift to contractor-owned, contractor-operated IT, shedding restrictions that are so often tied to the infrastructure. With on-demand access to shared and … Continue reading Transitioning CoCo: How to manage IT in partnership with private industry
Information sharing remains a challenge as Cybersecurity Framework matures
The Cybersecurity Framework is a work in progress. It has been generally well received by industry, but the old bugaboo of cybersecurity sharing remains a challenge as NIST mulls the next steps.
NextGov Reports: Utah Voters To Pick Presidential Candidates Via Internet Voting
On March 22, GOP voters in Utah will go to the polls to make their choice of presidential candidate, and for the first time in America, Internet voting is being deployed as an option in a presidential contest.
Just for fun: A Newspaper Corruption Simulation
The Westport Independent is a newspaper simulator that has players as editors trying to battle government censorship, maintain reporter morale and just sell some papers in a fictional country undergoing great change circa 1949. Comparisons will be made to Papers Please of course, but The Westport Independent stands on its own. Find out how corrupt we actually get in our Let’s Play movie.
We are just plain bad at maintenance
The United States is capable of wonderful innovation and spectacular achievements, from highway systems to fleets of satellites. But a lack of appetite for maintaining these accomplishments threatens our security and well-being.