GPS III to boost accuracy, security

The Air Force is on track to deliver in August 2016 the first of a series of advanced GPS satellites that promise to vastly improve the accuracy, reliability and security of the global positioning system constellation used by the military and civilian users, according to Air Force Col Steven Whitney, director of the Global Positioning … Continue reading GPS III to boost accuracy, security

How Battery Technology is Charging Ahead

Innovations in microchips and semiconductors keep pushing advances in mobile computing devices, yet the battery technology that helps power those same devices remains stagnated. By some accounts, lithium-ion batteries haven’t changed much over the past 15 years. That could change soon with developments in next-generation solid-state batteries. Vacuum manufacturer Dyson’s recent investment in a solid-state … Continue reading How Battery Technology is Charging Ahead

Why Cybersecurity Certifications Matter — Or Not

Cybersecurity certification qualifications are becoming the norm in many job descriptions today as organizations seek quantifiable ways of measuring prospective employees’ expertise. But certification alone should not be the yardstick in determining how well a potential candidate will fit into an organization. At the end of the day, experience as well as certification should be … Continue reading Why Cybersecurity Certifications Matter — Or Not

How To Convince Management You Need More People

As high profile cyberattacks make headlines, board members and senior management of companies large and small recognize that these attacks pose real threats to their revenue and reputations. As a result, investments in information security are essential. So it would seem that chief information security officers should have few problems convincing upper management that they … Continue reading How To Convince Management You Need More People