A new multi-institutional project funded by NSF aims to bring software development from an art to a science, using formal logic and precise specifications for program behavior to create software that is verifiably reliable.
The year ahead in cybersecurity
Predicting things is easy. Here are my predictions for 2016 on cyber insurance, the Internet of Things, continuous monitoring and passwords.
Concerns raised by the rapid transition from POTS to IP
As the nation shifts to IP-based landline telephone service or cuts the cord to go mobile, carriers, consumers and regulators face a host of challenges in providing services we take for granted.
The Senate to take a look at ransomware
Despite legal victories against organized criminals who encrypt and hold computers for ransom, new malicious campaigns continue to crop up. The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee is seeking information from DHS and the DOJ on the extent of the problem and the government’s response.
How strong is your password? Hard to say
NIST is mulling over removing entropy requirements for passwords from its security guidelines. There really is no good way to measure how strong a password is, anyway.
Federal roadmap for health IT interoperability
This is a test of the Excerpt field. Treating the nationwide healthcare IT system as a critical infrastructure is a sensible requirement for a system that touches so many lives so closely.
The Move to Smarter Chip Payment Cards Has Begun
October 1 was the deadline for a shift in payment card fraud liability that marks a major effort to boost U.S. adoption of smarter credit and debit cards. October 1 was the deadline for a shift in liability for merchants who accept credit and debit cards, which means just about all merchants today. It passed … Continue reading The Move to Smarter Chip Payment Cards Has Begun
How Serious is the OPM Fingerprint Breach?
The OPM now says that the fingerprints of 5.6 million persons were stolen in its catastrophic data breach. For the moment, at least, the loss of a Social Security number probably is more serious. But that could change. There is no way to make it sound good. The theft by hackers of the fingerprints of … Continue reading How Serious is the OPM Fingerprint Breach?
Can Cyber Insurance Help You Become More Secure?
A report from PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts rapid growth in the cyber insurance market in the next five years and identifies some weaknesses in the industry. Its recommendations could help improve global cybersecurity. Cybersecurity insurance has gotten quite a bit of attention in the past couple of weeks. A report by PricewaterhouseCoopers predicts significant growth in the … Continue reading Can Cyber Insurance Help You Become More Secure?
GPS Could Be At Risk
After years of delays and cost overruns in the GPS modernization program, the DOD system is in danger of falling out of date and dropping below the threshold for the number of satellites needed to ensure reliable positioning data for military and civilian users. About eight years ago the Air Force began a multi-billion-dollar program … Continue reading GPS Could Be At Risk